Divisible is an educational documentary film focusing on the history and current impacts of redlining in the United States. This feature film highlights the specific case of Omaha, Nebraska to illustrate how redlining continually affects and harms people nationwide today across multiple issue areas. Told through a combination of expert and personal interviews, Divisible provides […]
OutNebraska is committed to fighting for the rights of LGBTQ+ Nebraskans, and that includes advocacy in the state legislature! Learn more about how the Nebraska Legislature works and how to use your voice for LGBTQ+ rights. This is a virtual event on Zoom. After signing up, you will receive a Zoom link to your email. […]
The OutNebraska Book Club is a time to gather and discuss different LGBTQ+ books. We read books of all genres, and use this as time to learn together and build community. This event is virtual, and meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm CT / 6pm MT. Sign up at the […]