What is Legislative Day?
OutNebraska’s Legislative Day is a day where LGBTQ+ Nebraskans and their allies can come together to craft and practice telling their stories, then engage with their senators on important issues.
The day will begin with training and a light breakfast. Then, we will head to the capitol to pull senators from the floor to discuss issues that matter to us.
Afterwards, we will take a group photo, return for lunch, and end the day with a debrief.
What should I wear to Legislative Day?
Most of our day will be spent indoors, but we will be walking outside to and from the capitol building. Please dress according to the weather (warm pants, comfortable walking shoes, jacket/coat, hat/gloves, etc,).
OutNebraska t-shirts will be provided upon arrival to the first fifty people that registered for Legislative Day. If we have leftover shirts, they will be distributed first-come/first-serve to those present.
Will there be transportation?
If you are in need of transportation assistance from The Foundry to the capitol, OutNebraska can transport participants in our company car.
The capitol is about 0.5 miles away, or a 15 minute walk, from our office. Please email Aryn if you need transportation assistance.
If I’m traveling from outside of Lincoln, can I be reimbursed for travel expenses?
If you are traveling from outside of Lincoln and need assistance with travel expenses, we would like to offer a travel stipend. Please email Aryn for more information.
Will food be provided?
Yes, food will be provided to all participants.
Breakfast will include pastries, fruit and coffee/orange juice. Lunch will be a boxed lunch that includes a sandwich (multiple options that cater to gluten free/ vegetarian/ vegan participants), chips, a cookie and soda/water. Please feel free to bring your own food and drink.
If you didn’t indicate any dietary restrictions or something has changed, please email Aryn as soon as possible.
Will I be alone or with a group?
Participants will split up into groups according to their legislative district, and we will all go to the capitol together. Once there, some folks prefer to speak with their senator one-on-one or in a small group with others from their district.
Is there anything I should prepare beforehand?
Nope! We will train you on how to speak with your senator and provide you with information on how to interact with the legislature.
What should I expect at the capitol?
You should expect to see many different people including your senators and their aides, capitol staff, lobbyists and advocates, as well as other constituents. Some days at the capitol can be busy! We will stick together in small groups, and you can step away at any time for a break.
Will we encounter opposition?
There is always a chance that we may encounter individuals or groups that oppose our cause. You will never be expected to engage with them, and we actively discourage interaction with opposition.
The purpose of this day is to engage with your senators and share your story. If you feel uncomfortable or intimidated at any time, please tell an OutNebraska staff member or capitol staff.
Where should I park?
There are two paid parking garages near our office. One is located at 14th & Q streets, and the other is located at 14th & P streets. Parking will cost under $10 for the whole day.
Please reach out to Aryn (aryn@outnebraska.org) if you need assistance paying for parking.