Over the last week, OutNebraska has been made aware of a situation at Millard North High School in which teachers have allegedly been made to remove symbols supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, including pride flags and posters from advocacy groups. We believe this is an irresponsible lapse in judgment on the part of the Millard North administration. Because the LGBTQ+ community is increasingly under attack, signs and symbols that indicate support for queer and trans students are more important than ever.

LGBTQ+ identities should not be political. We exist, and have existed from the beginning of time. Young people who feel welcome and have supportive adults are less likely to experience suicidal thoughts and attempts. Visible support of LGBTQ+ identities, including in the form of pride flags and posters, are a tool for suicide prevention. Denying students the ability to feel supported and seen is short-sighted and cowardly.

We hope that the administration at Millard North will reconsider this policy and allow teachers to create supportive classrooms for their queer and trans students. Schools are meant to be safe places for students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender and we believe reversing this policy is a good starting point to achieve that goal.