OutNebraska is able to do what we do thanks to awesome volunteers. We always have a project in the works that you can be a part of. Whether you’re an experienced advocate, student, ally, new to the community, or just looking to get more involved, we’re happy to have you! (PS: OutNebraska can sign-off on volunteer hours)

Want volunteer updates sent to your email? Sign up here.

Volunteer Events

Pride season is here! Sign up below to volunteer at the OutNebraska table at your favorite(s) pride festivals. At every festival, we spread information about OutNebraska’s work, encourage folks to get engaged, and build community. The events below are organized by time & date.
Grand Island Pride – Saturday June 29th, 11:00am – 4:30pm CT, 2 shifts
Volunteer at the OutNebraska booth at Grand Island Pride! We have 2 shifts: a setup shift and tear down shift. Sign up here.
Pride Prep & Training Night – Omaha, Thursday July 11, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Help us get ready for upcoming pride events. Volunteers will be trained to staff pride booths, help with data entry, and sort materials for pride events. Sign up here.
Heartland Youth Pride – Friday July 12th, 4 – 9:30pm, 1 shift
Volunteer at the OutNebraska booth at Heartland Youth Pride! We have 1 shift for youth pride. Sign up here.
FULL Heartland Pride (All Ages Festival) – Saturday July 13th, 11:30am – 5:30pm CT, 2 shifts
Volunteer at the OutNebraska booth at Heartland Pride! We have 2 shifts: a setup shift and tear down shift.

Across the State: Join the campaign for Paid Sick Leave!

Every Nebraskan deserves time off to take care of their health or to care for a loved one who’s sick. OutNebraska is proud to be a part of the Paid Sick Leave for Nebraska coalition. We’re working with advocates and community leaders across Nebraska to collect signatures to put this issue before voters in 2024.
You can support this effort by signing up to help circulate petitions, connecting with the campaign online, and learning more about how this policy would benefit Nebraskans.


Ongoing Volunteer Projects

These volunteer projects help us build community, strengthen our allies, and get you involved with local action. Great for: Community members who want to do something every week or every month, business partners who want to host a volunteering event, and folks who have volunteer hours to complete for school.


Contact information data entry
We’re looking for help updating contact information from volunteer and sign-up forms. This information helps us contact volunteers and LGBTQ+ supporters with important information about action around the state, election reminders, and occasionally send them postcards to celebrate our community. What you’ll do: Come to the OutNebraska office in Lincoln and work with Aryn to enter information from sign-up cards into the computer. Have an hour or two to spare? Let us know when you can come by!


Nebraska Competes business contacts (mini project volunteering)
We recruit businesses around the state to join Nebraska Competes – a business coalition that supports LGBTQ+ nondiscrimination protections. We need help reaching out to businesses. This is a great project to get involved with if you have volunteer hours to complete before the school year ends or over the summer. What you’ll do: Get training on how to reach out to businesses, and then you’ll send letters, emails, and phone calls to businesses around the state.
Ready to help make Nebraska a better place to live, work, and do business? Let us know you can help!